Empire.kred is a virtual stock market game. This article discusses missions on empire.kred.
There are three types of missions.Invest missions enable an individual to offer free shares in their stock. Gift missions enable an individual to offer free eaves that can be used by the acquirer. The remaining types of missions offer eaves in exchange for doing something, such as visiting someone's twitter, utube or other social media sites. Sometimes they require people to engage by liking, retweeting or performing other affirmative activity in exchange for eaves.
Invest missions and gift missions are great opportunities for individuals to acquire new shares and new eaves to increase their assets. Some players believe that players should not take advantage of all available missions, to leave some eaves on the table, not to hog the eaves offered. I disagree. Empire.kred is a 24 hour game and players will not be able for 24 hours to acquire eaves or shares in all missions offered. There are so many missions offered that a player would have to play for hours on end and still not be able to participate in all available missions. The mission creator can choose how many eaves and shares to offer and an individual can only complete one mission at a time. Once they have completed the mission they can't take the same mission again, unless it is offered at a different time. Even if a player is active on missions they can't acquire a significant percentage of eaves in any one individual, given the relatively low limits of shares anyone can own, as well as the costs to acquire such shares. Players can temporarily block an individual from getting free shares or eaves in performing a particular missions, if they don't want a player to benefit from that mission. This does not prohibit the player of acquiring shares using their own eaves, or performing missions without compensation by liking or retweeting pages that others are rewarded for. People not on empire.kred are freely liking or retweeting without any benefit so the impact on a block is minimal.
Many people use the missions to market themselves on empire.kred and elsewhere. If you believe that spending your eaves to offer missions will improve your social status, you will see over time if the results are there. Many agree that they have received such benefits.
Missions are a key activity on empire.kred. Make sure you engage in them, either by offering missions to others, or participating in other's missions.
I enjoy missions on empire.kred, by taking them and offering them, too. If you wish to join me there, here is the link: https://www.empire.kred/CPAJOE?t=ezmic9th
Empire.kred is a virtual stock market game . In this article I will discuss when to sell shares.
Some players hardly ever sell. They might be long term players who have amassed hundreds of millions of eaves or even more, and have nowhere to deploy these assets, due to the limit on shares one can own, and the limited number of active players for whom there is an active market. Others have acquired many shares without paying eaves for them, through gift or invest missions by players who offer shares to others to increase the value of their shares in the market. While there is no prohibition on selling such shares, many in the community frown on individuals selling freely acquired shares. But free players have no way of knowing when they look at their share holdings whether they acquired shares via purchase, gift or investment. Perhaps empire.kred can issue two classes of shares- restricted stock and unrestricted stock. Restricted stock can still earn dividends and be valued at full value ( or even discounted for limits on sale). Consideration can be made to increase the sales commission on restricted shares sold.
Others sell shares that are not providing sufficient dividends or the owner does not acquire a certain amount of shares in the acquiring shareholder. Some expect the buyer to acquire substantially the same amount of shares that the seller has. This is impractical. Since many of the higher priced stocks are beyond the ability of new players to match such shares, they cannot keep up. A fairer equalization could be based on cumulative share value. A 50 per eaves share stock with 100 shares owned could cost 5,000 eaves. If a person acquired 5 shares of a 1,000 eaves share price stock in return, that would result in equal value. It does not make sense for new players to buy 100 shares of a 1,000 eaves stock, or 100,000 eaves to own equal shares. Similarly,when the new player's value increases, it would be consistent for that player not to expect the now newer players to own similar amounts of their higher priced stock.
Another time to sell stock is when a stock falls. How does one know when? Look at the chart of the stock price. Generally you will see the first week of stock price increasing followed by a significant increase over the next week or two. Soon afterwards the stock will level out as by now almost all of the players who wish to acquire your stock have done so. Inevitably some people then begin to sell the stock and the chart trends down. Should one hold a declining stock? I'm in favor of selling such stocks. Many are of players who only came for a short period of time and are not active players in the game. These players will own few if any shares in others and mostly likely none of yours. Neither of you may have developed a relationship with the other. If they list their other social profiles you can try to interact with them on their other sites if you didn't on empire.kred. If the player is active on the site by buying shares in others, participating in missions, and joining and participating in communities, then it is likely that additional shareholders will buy their shares, increasing its value and limiting the amount of sales.
A player may also decide to sell share in one stock to acquire shares in others. This could happen if the expected returns in the new investment will exceed that of the old one, after paying commissions to sell to also to acquire new shares. It may tougher to sell shares in those who own your stock, or with whom you have a relationship, but you can.
I enjoy playing the market at empire.kred to increase my eaves and sharpen my skills in the virtual stock market. If you wish to join me at empire.kred my link is ttps://www.empire.kred/CPAJOE?t=ezmic9th
Empire.kred is a virtual stock market game. In this article I will discuss issues associated with the purchase and sale of shares.
A member's profile at empire.kred starts upon signing up at the site with a share price of 10. Over the next six days only up to 400 shares can be acquired by another player. On the seventh day the 400 share limit is removed and a player can acquire additional shares, also known as a bigger piece of the pie. The acquirer must either pay real money or eaves to increase their limit in 100 share increments up to 5,500 shares. The cost to acquire a bigger piece of the pie increases, too.
In addition to the cost to acquire the shares and the cost to increase your share limit, there are also commissions to buy additional shares. These commissions increase on a sliding scale from 5% to 10% of the value of the shares acquired. The more shares you own or acquire the higher the sales commission percentage. So if you own 100 shares and acquire another 100 shares it costs you 5% of the sales price. However, if you own 1,500 shares and acquire another 100 shares it costs you 10%, or twice as much. This becomes a disincentive for shareholders to acquire more shares.
What if you sell shares? A similar sales percentage is calculated and I've seen a 13% sales commission on sales beyond 2,300 shares. It may even go higher in the higher echelons of ownership.
If you buy or sell 2,000 shares the transaction screen will show a 10% commission rate. It is not clear to me whether that is the rate for all shares bought or sold, or if the break points are honored. I recommend buying or selling in steps to get the benefits of the various commission rates which increase at 500, 800, 1,300 and 1,500 shares on the buy side.
You can see your history of purchases and sales of a profile unless you sell your entire position. This can help you evaluate your purchase prices, fair market value and gain or loss.
Holding shares allows you to obtain daily dividends in an individual. The daily dividend rate is shown but no trend line is available as there is for share price. You can see a chart of high dividend payers to help you evaluate profiles if you believe dividends are important to you. Dividends received in the form of eaves can enable you to use them to acquire more shares or create missions.
More information is available on the company help screens to learn more about buying and selling shares.
I enjoy playing the stock market game at empire.kred to evaluate positions based on share price and dividends. If you would like to join me there , here is the link: https://www.empire.kred/CPAJOE?t=ezmic9th
Thanksgiving is a day of remembering family and friends and also to think about interests of times gone by. During the past year I joined social site empire.kred and met a bunch of interesting people who fed these interests. Today I give tribute to a sample of them. Helen Rittersporn of Coastal North Carolina writes a blog called anchor scraps that blends new technology communication with old style corresponding. My old interests in letter writing and stamp collecting appear often in her blog and I enjoy her work. Jen Rainwater of Pioneer CA was the original Oakland A's sock girl and now blogs about baseball. Baseball fans young and old will enjoy Jen's blogs. Webster McN from Colorado Springs CO blogs about life and business lessons learned from chess. A good way to keep my interest in chess intact while gaining solid business advice. Interested in music? Plenty of talented people crossed my path, from music CEO Rex Dow and Meresha, Timothy Snow managing Lily Kennex, and Joe Liedke of Rochester NY. All made an impact on me. I'm still looking for a genealogy blog there but have other sites I look for in meeting my needs to explore my family tree. Looking to find new bloggers or artists to look back on next Thanksgiving? Join me at empire.kred at https://www.empire.kred/CPAJOE?t=ezmic9th. I look forward to seeing you there.